jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018


The life of an almost 40 year old woman who still lives with her mother (yes you read it right…)

Day 0:

So, this is what is not going to happen. I am not going to tell you all about how my life suddenly ended up here, because it really was suddenly. I honestly do not know what the hell happened.
But my truth is that I do not live with my mother out of choice, or because I want to take care of her, although at her age, I should be the one taking care of her, and not the other way around… My truth is that I live with her because I don’t have the money to pay for an apartment on my own.

Here’s the gist: I’m a singer, or at least I try to be. It seems to be the only thing I can make money with, but unfortunately I am on my own. Nobody wants to pay for a band anymore (cheap shits)… So I have to go around to bars and venues with my computer and do something that in my opinion is more of a karaoke show (in which I am the only one singing the karaoke songs) than a live performance.

I have tried looking for work somewhere else, because what I really want to do is get out of this house, rent an appartment like a NORMAL person and keep singing in bands, even if nobody hires us, or if we don’t get payed for playing. I know, it sounds like a sad trade off, but believe me, it’s not. Doing those karaoke shows have stripped me of by musical soul and have made me feel like a piece of shit.
But sadly, nobody wants to hire a has been almost 40 year old woman, when a 20 year old can do the job just as good, or let’s be honest, probably better.

Now before any of you start giving me the number to the suicide hotline, relax, I’ve not given up (yet).

I’ll paint you a picture:
I have often thought what I would tell myself if I was not me. Does that make sense? And I have come to the conclusion that I would kick my own ass. I would be so pissed off at me that I would probably stop hanging out with me all together, because nobody should be this fucking clueless about life. NOBODY!
Soooo, that is my plan. Yup… I know it probably sounds crazy, but for the next 21 days, I am no longer me. For the next 21 days I am my own best friend. My own, veeeeery pissed off, best friend, breaking my balls about all the things I should be doing and am not.
And since one of the things I said I would do (like forever) is to write and have people actually read what I write, I am going to document this 21 day journey in this blog.

Well, here goes nothing… Or everything. Or whatever...

DAY 1:

So far day 1 is not going as planned. Yes I got up to go to the doctor who determined there is absolutely nothing wrong with me except for a small deficiency in Vitamin D and B12. Now, B12 I can understand since I haven't eaten meat in years, but D?? I live in Spain!! I see more sun in one week than the regular north European sees in a year, and I am vitamin D deficient??
He said it could be a genetic thing. Probably my vampire genes reflecting the sunlight like the moon instead of absorbing it...

Anyway, so my plan for today was to step up and down on a portable step for about an hour or until I dropped to the floor in total exhaustion, but that obviously didn't happen, because I'm here "talking" to you.

Here's the deal, I really do not feel well. I have had a cold that just won't frikkin' go lately, and to top that I'm on my period. Don't call me weak, my periods suck the life literally out of me. I feel like and could sleep for 24 hours and still be tired. 

So my best friend is being nice to me today and has told me to take care of my cold and sleep because tonight I have another of my marvellous Karaoke gigs and they will probably make me do it outside. 

You see, summer does not seem to want to go this year. It's beautifully sunny during the day and miserably chilly at night. Guess when I work. At night. Guess where all the people are. On the terrace. They don't care, they're already drunk by the time I get there and can't feel anything, but I have to stand in the cold and sing to them freezing my ass off. And so my cold never leaves. Never...

It's not even 1 p.m. yet, so I'll update you tonight on how the rest of this marvellous day has gone.